What is Family Mediation?

Family mediation is a voluntary and confidential process, therefore, both spouses must agree to this process to resolve a family law dispute. With the help of a neutral and unbiased mediator both parties try to resolve their issues through open and respectful communication. The mediation process reduces conflict and allows the parties to come to a mutually beneficial solution to the issues arising from their separation.

The Goals of Family Mediation

– Focus the attention on the best interests of the children
– Provide an equal voice to participants
– Reduce the emotional stress of the parties involved
– Reduce the financial costs of resolving family disputes
– Minimize conflict and uphold peace and respect
– A fair and reasonable agreement

Call us Today to Arrange a Confidential Information Session

Focus on solutions that are fair and equitable for all members of your family.

Family Mediation is a less expensive alternative
to traditional conflict-based litigation.

Will we still require lawyers?

Yes. Once an agreement is reached. Also – if preferred for various reasons, your lawyers may participate in the mediation process.

Since each family situation is unique, please contact us to arrange a confidential information session to discuss your next steps in greater detail.

When should mediation be considered?
Mediation should be considered when both parties are prepared to enter into negotiations in good faith to resolve the issues arising from their separation. Both parties must be committed to the process. The parties must be prepared to provide financial disclosure and be forthcoming with other information required in order to deal with financial issues. Even in high conflict situations, a skilled mediator can structure the mediation process so that both parties feel that their needs and interests can be addressed by agreement.
Why use an accredited family mediator?
The Accredited Family Mediator (AccFM) designation has become the standard in Ontario, recognized by The Ministry of the Attorney General and in the Family Court System.

This designation is your assurance that a Family Mediator has proven experience in human services, has completed specific education and training, and upholds The Ontario Association of Family Mediators’(OAFM) Standards of Practice.

Family Mediators may come from many different professional backgrounds including law, psychology, social work and finance. While each profession brings a unique understanding and approach to mediation,

Accreditation serves to standardise practice and develop skills and insights that are specific to Family Mediation.

Are the mediators at Concorde Mediation Services accredited?
Yes. Annalisa Pressaco is an Accredited Family Mediator in Ontario (AccFM).

As an experienced and highly respected Lawyer practicing in the area of Family Law in Ontario since 1990, Annalisa is very well positioned to help you navigate the various legal issues that may be associated with a finalizing a legally sound and enduring resolution to your situation.